South Charlotte Church Plant

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"fluid" leadership

What would an emergent leadership structure look like? Our corporate mindset has often associated leadership with delegation, demanding, hierarchy, etc. If you disagree, notice on the Apprentice who is considered a "good leader." The church unfortunately has fallen into the same trap.
A good senior pastor would be able to "The head of staff will lead and support a multi-talented staff...This person will be caring and compassionate with a sensitivity to group dynamics and the ability to accept opinions from diverse groups of persons; will be a good communicator/listener with a sense of humor and a desire to relate to all members of the congregation; and will be a dynamic, inspiring preacher who leads us in meaningful and relevant corporate worship. Our head of staff will be an experienced person with the desire to relate to and coordinate our multi-person staff, making use of the many talents of our staff and people. This person will be a visionary with the ability to delegate responsibility and to lead our congregation in ministry and mission." Not gonna tell you what church I got this from, but as you can imagine--this would be an apt description of any senior pastor in a multistaffed congregation.

Here is the question again, emergent implies fluidness, however, as soon as a name/leader/visionary becomes attached to the fluidness it starts to congeal. Therefore, what will the emerging leadership structure look like?

I return to my favorite new word..."Convergence."

A leader needs to become a convergence of ideas, vision, tradition, and most important voices. Not to decipher which is best and make a decision, but to create a space for those ideas to converge.

So basically, this is what I have discovered--emergent leadership, if it wants to remain fluid, must discard the top-down structure for a powerfully-weak leader, that is one who can lead by not leading. Impassable tension.
