South Charlotte Church Plant

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Ellie's Travels and Adventures

With family vacations, roadtrips and job interviews: Ellie has managed to cover 16 states and one district in her first 4 1/2 months.
She has been to:

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Conneticut
  • Massachue....
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Rhode Island
  • Maryland
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • Florida
  • West Virginia
  • Alabama
  • Pennasylvania
  • District of Columbia

    She has been the best behaved of all of us. It all started when she was 6 weeks old and headed to Boston. Not sure how many sub-two month olds can say they have toured Brown, Harvard and Princeton campuses.

    Savannah hates to ride in the car, so the 13 hour trip to Florida from New Jersey was a barking, whine fest. For the first two hours, Savannah would sit in the back making a racket as Ellie slept soundly.

    The move from New Jersey to Georgia was another 13 hours in the car for all of us. For Ellie, this was now old habit. So We stopped in Davidson to show Ellie where her parents met, but unfortunately it was 95degrees and every building was locked up.

    Then there was our trip over to Alabama yesterday for a job interview, as we headed through downtown Atlanta my Volvo's warning light came on. I figured I would just drive through it; the car, however, had other plans, and completely shut down on a tiny shoulder off I-20 in the heart of Atlanta. As crazy Atlanta drivers wizzed by us for 45 minutes while we waited for rescue, Ellie played with her toys in the back seat. We were rescued by my mom and the tow truck. My mom switched cars with us which allowed us to make our interview only 5 minutes late and speeding ticket free.

    So it appears as though Ellie has more patience than all of us combined.

    Once again, the world's best baby.

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