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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Devotion: The Unexpected Places

I just finished reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell that focuses on how—for good or bad—we make snap judgments within the first two seconds.  Similarly, Katie Crowe preached at Wednesday Worship that we have “abysmally low expectations of the Spirit,” and carry “assumptions about what God is capable (or incapable) of.”

            That is such a temptation of our faith, because we would like to have manageable expectations of God so we can plan accordingly.  Yet, one thing we witness through out scripture is that God likes to break our expectations.

            God took on the form of an infant child—not a very godlike move.  God pursued the oppressed not the powerful—another unexpected move.  God came not with power, but became powerfully weak upon the cross.  And, perhaps most unexpected—Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

            This means that for us, we can expect to find God in the unexpected.  God is not contained within the walls and hours of a church.  God is active in the world, and even when plans do not go according to what we assume God would want.

            God’s breaking of expectations reminds us that his plan for our lives is far greater than we can conceive.  The things we are going through today will not always make sense, but faith in God allows us to believe that one day it will.  As Paul says, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully…” (1 Corinthians 13)

            Where are you trying to micromanage God in your life?  What ways is He breaking your plans and expectations?  How might you find God in the unexpected places?




Associate Minister for Evangelism and Young Adult Ministries

First Presbyterian Church

200 West Trade St

Charlotte, NC 28202

(p)    704-927-0240





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