South Charlotte Church Plant

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Friday, August 07, 2009

The First Day Home

Well, with everyone napping, I thought I would update you all on the Barry patch and most importantly upload some photos! Sorry that you will have deal with my ramblings for a while as Lindsay's blogging will take a back seat. And to answer the question why there are not too many photos of Lindsay, let's just say that many are not "G" rated. It is all quiet in the house for the moment, so here it goes... The staff at the Women's Center was amazed at how well Lindsay as taken to caring and feeding these three boys. They reflected that in 11 years they do not recall having a set of triplets on the floor. Yesterday, as I approached the elevator with our triple stroller I realized how fortunate we are. For most triplet parents the ability to take home a child, let alone all three, is a day of great celebration. Lindsay and I though--understandably--are intimidated by the upcoming demands. And just as the door to elevator closed, a woman stepped on board who was going to visit her grandson born at 24 weeks and weighing 1lb 6 ounces. So Lindsay and I know how richly blessed we are with these boys and appreciate the support, prayers and encouragement we have received and will need to continue receiving. Ellie has taken to the boys. We we feed, she gets a bottle for her baby doll. When I changed their diapers, she changed her baby dolls. In fact the forth bouncy seat is set up so that her doll can sleep with the boys right now. And I forgot what you all really care about: The Photos

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