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Monday, May 02, 2011

Devotion: Where were you?

John 21:15   15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs."


This past Sunday night, as the news broke of Bin Laden’s death, the newscasters mentioned that this would be one of those events where you will always remember where you when you heard the news.  It made me wonder what stories and events are you able to recall?

I can recall my proposal to my wife, I can recall the birth of my first child, and certainly, the news of being told I was going to have triplets.  I can also remember devastating news like the death of my grandmother, phone calls from a doctor.

This past Sunday morning, Roland mentioned in his sermon the startlingly intimate statement a colleague once made: “I remember when I fell in love with Jesus.”

This statement is tremendous because it avoids the predestination/free-will debates (which I am teaching on this Sunday if you are interested), and cuts straight to the chase.  God’s desire to be with us and to know us is so abundantly clear in the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is a tremendous story that has changed not only lives but all of human history.  So, while we may recall where we were when national events like Bin Laden, or the Challenger occur, while we may recall personal events around us, let us also not forget God’s story for us.

When did you first fall in love with Jesus Christ?  What was the attraction?  Retell that story; relive that story this week.




Associate Minister for Evangelism and Young Adult Ministries

First Presbyterian Church

200 West Trade St

Charlotte, NC 28202

(p)    704-927-0240





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