South Charlotte Church Plant

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Devotion: Group Riding

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”  Ecclesiastes 4:10


Over the weekend, I rode in a large group bike ride with about 300 other people.  For those who don’t ride, there is one simple truth—it’s a lot easier if you ride in a group.  If you can get into a group with a bunch of riders you will go faster.  With a group around you, you have people to distract you from the monotony of pedaling over and over again.  With a group around you, you have people to block the wind from trying to push you over.  With a group around you, you have the encouragement (and challenge) of wanting to keep up.  If you ride out by yourself it becomes a battle between yourself and the road.

Unfortunately for me, I found myself riding alone a lot.  So in between gasps, I thought to myself what a great analogy for the church.  God created us to be in relationship with people…to be in groups.  To ride alongside one another; blocking the wind that blows us off course, and having the wind blocked for us;  To challenge one another up a hill, and to enjoy the ride down the other side.

What are some groups you are a part of?  How have you felt the encouragement and push of fellow “riders” in your life?  What are some groups that pushing you spiritually?  Who is someone that might benefit from joining your group?


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