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Saturday, October 19, 2013

F3 Metro Journey:: SixPack, Some HolyWater & Coffee

Two days after the MudRun, I figured it was time to break open a six pack.

Q: Field of Dreams
HRMCalCount: NA
My Moleskin: Having just completed the MudRun, my body was sore; but Field of Dreams led us out onto the football field; 13 years of football training had taught me that once you cross that white line you leave it all on the field.

Q: Waco
HRMCalCount: 895
My Moleskin: This was the second hardest F3 workout I have done.  That evening, I had read that "a man longs for an #elder, a man who goes ahead of him to show him that it can be done, and a #brother, a peer who will struggle alongside him."  This captures my workout as DREDD got ahead of me to lead me into a realm I did not know could be accomplished, and Swiper was the buddy in the trenches pushing me.

Q: Ben Franklin
HRMCalCount: 835
My Moleskin: This workout will go down in the annals of F3 as 23 PAX split off to form a Ranger2.0 workout.  At the second stop of 20 burpees, I made the strategic move to saddle up next to the Q, which meant, I was stuck being the flesh-anchor of the remaining 8 PAX.

#Smokey (3rdF workout)
Q: Swiper
W/O:  Esther and Pride
My Moleskin: Good reminder that pride creeps into our life when we take the good things in life and focus on how they will glorify us and not God.

Q: Sauerkraut
HRMCalCount: 751
My Moleskin:  Not sure of Sauerkraut's baking skills as his Triple Layer cake with a cherry on top seemed to get top-heavy as we built it out.  But enjoyable FNG Bastion outing, and he had us going that the workout went by faster than any before.  Looked down and my watch read 42 minutes when I thought we had probably gone 28.

#Yardstick (3rdF workout)
Q: Brautworst
W/O:  How good is good enough?
My Moleskin:  Talked about that our belief in Christ has to be an all or nothing-if you want to be intellectually honest.  Either He is Lord or not.  We added a forth category to Lewis' famous Lord, Lunatic, Liar where other people were just making this up about Him.  Made me realize how rampant that is in our academies and churches-as if we can dismiss bodily resurrection and miracles as quaint metaphors and still have a robust Christian faith.

Q: Coach
HRMCalCount: 732
My Moleskin:  Large PAX out this AM, but a good workout burn.  The Shop-Till-You-Drop of Jump Squats, adding 2 more at each store, sounded like nothing.  But I literally went from the front of the pack to holding up the PAX by the end of them; #FOF!  EHed an FNG.

Q: Gandalf & Show
HRMCalCount: 1105
My Moleskin: By the end of this journey, I was glad to be able to sleep in until 6:15...then I realized this was gonna be an hour long pain session.  Good thing that the PAX was filled with some vocal mumblechatterers.  Headed over to the Caribou Coffeeteria for a great 2ndF time with my brothers; 10 months into this brotherhood and I have discovered what true men are like.

Aye brothers! On to the next adventure.  

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