South Charlotte Church Plant

Join us as we launch a new church in South Charlotte. Sign up for the prayer newsletter;
consider financially supporting through giving; or become a TRAILBLAZER.

Monday, December 09, 2013

What's the Plan?

Last night we welcomed 41 people into the Art Gallery of Myers Park High School for advent worship services. It was a tremendous gift to see people from a variety of different areas coming together to authentically worship Jesus Christ.  We all came together with multiple lenses of faith and church backgrounds.  People with deep walks of faith and those who have given up on Church but not on God.

As we headed out into the cold night, people wanted to know what the master plan is.  After hosting these three weeks of Advent services, then what?

It is a valid question.  Our training often tells us to have strategic plans, a 5-year vision, and step-by-step instructions.  And while we certainly do, it is essential that we leave space for the Holy Spirit to work.  

After these three weeks of worship, our Trailblazer community will continue meeting at 7pm on Tuesday nights beginning on January 14th to start planning for those next steps.  These three weeks will reveal to us the steps necessary to help this community emerge as the full body of Christ.  It is still our prayer that we could move to weekly worship in the Spring and Summer of 2014, but to get there, we need prayer and people committed to this mission.  Our goal is to have 40 Trailblazers committed in order to build a foundation for weekly worship.  

We will need people who are gifted musically, those who love to develop video, those who enjoy teaching children, those who can setup and breakdown space, those who can run spreadsheets, those who can smile and make folks feel welcomed into our community.  Though we may not fully understand all that God is doing and will continue to do, we know that He has called us to excellence.  We want to do weekly worship when it can be done in a smooth and well-designed fashion; if done prematurely then we will quickly find ourselves exhausted having sprinted when in reality we are running a marathon.  

If you are feeling God's nudging that in some way you may be called to have an impact on this city, on your community, in your life...I would invite you to Myers Park High School over the next two Sunday nights to meet our community and consider becoming a part of the Trailblazer team.

Years from now, when you pause to consider what impact your faith has had, what do you want to be known for? I know for me the idea of getting to help God birth a new community of faith will be life affirming and changing.

The mantra I am considering is how do we move from being invited to being challenged by God?  How might God be challenging you this Christmas?

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