South Charlotte Church Plant

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

devotion: giving hearts

"Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."  James 1:17
Augustine has said that the "root of all sin is pride."  It is when we think excessively of ourselves.  This seems to be the hallmark of our contemporary culture, however.  We are told that we have to constantly fight for ourselves, because who would do it for us?  Every product is specially targeted and marketed to us.
One thing that struck me in Haiti, was when we climbed to the top of a mountain after a 3 hour hike.  At the top, everyone sat down to eat the energy bars they had purchased in america, packed to Haiti, carried 3 hours in the sun.  Knowing of the hunger of the children who had joined our hike, people broke off parts of their energy bars to give a child.  In response the child divided this already small morsel even further so that he could give some to each of his friends who came along the journey.  This type of story plays out through-out impoverished third world countries.  It is actually in cultures of abundance where we so desperately hold onto the things we have "earned" out of fear of loosing them.
As people of faith, who believe that every good gift comes from God; why is it so hard to let go and let God?  What things do we hoard?  Feel entitled to?  What would it take to create a spirit of genorsity and sacrifice in your heart?

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